Library Rules & Etiquette
The Library’s rules and regulations are created to ensure equal access and service opportunity and to safeguard the academic interests of Bank Rakyat staff and SIR users.
1. Loans/Returns
- No book or library material may be brought out of the library until the loan has been recorded. Unauthorized removal of the library materials is regarded as a very serious offence.
- Library users are responsible for the safekeeping and return of library materials issued in their name.
- Library materials shall be returned on or before the due date or earlier if the member is notified that an item is required by another reader.
- Library books must be returned via the Self-check machine or Circulation Counter located at the SIR libraries.
- A fine is charged on loans kept beyond the due date and is payable upon return of the item.
- Official time for determining fines on overdue books and for other purposes will be read according to the time determined in the computer system at the library. If the system be down, the correct time will be determined by the library staff.
2. Losses and Damages
- It is a serious offence to mutilate damage, misplace or refuse to return library material. Underlining, marking, folding of pages in the book etc. are strictly prohibited. Losses or damages must be reported promptly to the Library staff on duty.
- The user will make good a loss or damage with a replacement copy (being the latest edition at the time of loss) at his/her own expense, or undertake to pay the current market price of the latest edition of the lost item; in addition to RM20.00 processing fee and fines due till the day that the loss was reported.
- Any attempt to steal library properties is a serious offence and will result in disciplinary procedures and other appropriate actions.
3. Safety and Security
- The library is under camera surveillance.
- Patron who activates the Library alarm is liable to be questioned and checked. Please follow the instructions of the staff and produce your IC/staff card in such an instant.
- Do not leave your possessions unattended at any time.
- The Library shall not be responsible for the safety of any personal property left within the Library. Unclaimed and lost property found are to be handed over to the library.
- Library users should leave the library at the second announcement before the closure of the library.
- Behaviour or actions which interfere with the use of the Library by other patrons are forbidden and will be reported to the Security and disciplinary action may be taken.
4. Behaviour and conduct
- Silence must be maintained in areas designated as “Silence” and in any event noise should be kept to reasonable levels and as appropriate to the designated area.
- Food is strictly prohibited in the library.
- Bottled water and drinks in sealed cups may be consumed in the library.
- Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited in the library.
- Library users are not permitted to make or take telephone calls within the library. Mobile phones shall be switched to silent mode at all times.
- Moving library furniture from its designated place is strictly prohibited.
- In line with SIR Library guidelines on dealing with Public Display of Affection (PDA – refers to demonstration of physical affection in public areas; examples include kissing, fondling and inappropriate sexualized gestures), unacceptable public displays of affection can result in being asked to leave the library.
5. Computers and Multimedia equipment
- Users are not permitted to use the computers and multimedia equipment for unauthorized purposes.
- Do not install or uninstall any programs in the computer.
6. Emergency Situations
- In the event of an emergency requiring closure of the Library, members must leave immediately upon being asked to do so by the librarian in charge. While it is recommended that personal belongings are taken, this must not delay the evacuation of the Library premises. Re-admittance to the premises shall not be permitted until it has been confirmed that the emergency is over.
- There are designated emergency exit which patrons can use to exit the Library. Patrons should familiarize themselves with the emergency escape routes.
7. Copyright
- Copyright protection in Malaysia is governed by the Copyright Act 1987. Library users must comply with Copyright laws and licensing agreements when using audiovisual equipment, computers, online services and photocopying facilities.
8. Notes
- Those who do not comply by the rules may be asked to leave the library by a member of the library staff.
- The Chief Librarian may amend the Rules and Regulations as and when necessary.
- The main purpose of these rules is to safeguard the common interest of all users and to enable the library to carry out its functions as efficiently as possible.